
Over 77% of buyers find it "easier to visualize the property as their future home" when it is staged. National Association of Realtors 2017 Profile of Home Staging Report.
Wendy's Vacant Property Protocol
Without staging, vacant homes are at distinct disadvantage in the marketplace.
For low-or-no extra cost to you, Wendy and her team will stage your vacant property so that it will engage the hearts of potential buyers and not just their minds.
Vacant properties also need to be set up in the morning so that they can put their best foot forward for the day's showings, and put to bed at the end of the day so that lights don't blaze all night, announcing to all that no one is home and keeping a watchful eye.
Wendy's team will ensure that these tasks are undertaken every day until your home is sold so that you can carry on with your life while your vacant home is on the market.